
Our massage therapy programs offer unique blends of Eastern and Western modalities and choices such as Shiatsu, Tuina, Swedish, Thai on the matt or table, Taoist pain management, Sports massage, Shiatsu and Swedish Integration.

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Our massage therapy programs offer unique blends of Eastern and Western modalities and choices such as Shiatsu, Tuina, Swedish, Thai on the matt or table, Taoist pain management, Sports massage, Shiatsu and Swedish Integration.

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A number of health care professionals around the country have identified ways that touch therapy can help the personal health and well-being of individuals. A previous study by the Touch Research Institute (TRI) at the University of Miami School of Medicine has shown that touch therapy reduces stress and enhances immune functions in HIV patients. The purpose of the Job Stress study was to determine whether touch therapy might help healthy adults.
Benefits side image
Improves cellular nutrition. Faster muscle repair after exercise.
  • Effleurage Techniques

    Aids in moving wastes out of a congested area(also known as flushing).

  • Petrissage Techniques

    Invigorates or stimulates the nervous system, and softens superficial fascia and can loosen adhesions..

  • Friction Techniques

    It dilates capillaries and increases circulation(hyperemia). and loosens stiffness in joints by relaxing muscles.

  • Tapotement Techniques

    It aids in decongesting the lungs by loosening and mobilizing phlegm in the respiratory tract and creates an “ultrasound” effect manually.


William Hubbell

Fitness Innovations: What made you decide you wanted/ needed to start a program? William Hubbell: “Too lazy to work out alone” Fitness Innovations: What results have you achieved since starting yo...

Yelba Hernandez

Fitness Innovations: What made you decide you wanted/ needed to start a program? Yelba Hernandez: “I had gain a lot of weight for my health.” Fitness Innovations: What results have you achieved si...

Dayton Blanco

Fitness Innovations: What results have you achieved since starting your program? I lost over 20 Lbs. gain some muscle. Fitness Innovations: How does that make you feel? It makes me feel great, confide...

Kathy Hernandez

Fitness Innovations: What made you decide you wanted/ needed to start a program? Kathy Hernandez: “lose weight, health.” Fitness Innovations: What results have you achieved since starting your pro...

Additional Benefits

Looking after one's body

Homeostasis : A property of cells, tissues, and organisms that allows the maintenance and regulation of the stability and constancy needed to function properly. Homeostasis is a healthy state that is maintained by the constant adjustment of biochemical and physiological pathways.

  • Better circulation.
  • Better sleep.
  • Release of toxins in the body.
  • Soothes tired and achy muscles.
  • Improves cellular nutrition.
  • Faster muscle repair after exercise.


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